MLP Twilight Sparkle Forest Storm

MLP Twilight Sparkle Forest Storm game
Description: Twilight Sparkle was found by surprise with a big rainstorm and his body left with some traces of this inclement weather, our friend to run quickly to his home in Ponyville but apparently need a lot of care to return to his normal style, your task seráusar all the elements that a good stylist has and give the most fabulous for this little pony look, follow all the steps to the letter and have fun with more adventures and stories of your favorite characters and all my little pony games that we are waiting for you. Good luck. How To Play: By your mouse.
The Smart Pony Says...  in the game you must use the items you indicate the cursor, fíajte very well so that they are necessary, remove splinters body Twilight Sparkle, heal their wounds and all that our pony needs. Find more games on our website we have a large collection.