Canterlot Siege 4: Power Ponies Go
The fourth part of one of the most famous My Little Pony games created by Futzi01, based on tane special chapter called Power Ponies Go! girls masked face in the same Maretropolis Mane-iac with his army of clones intends to seize the whole city, the super heroes ponies with their fabulous powers need concetrar all his energy to beat the waves one after another, a complete set of strategy that mixes emotion, action and adventure. Have fun and play right away, remember to share !! How To Play: Read the instructions, use your mouse. Did you know... In the chapter of My little Pony Power Ponies Go our friends face in the city of Maretropolis the insane Mane-iac, Twilight Sparkle and her friends embody superheroes based on the classic comic cartoons of famous publishers like DC and Marvel in which They base their skills. The game that we present today is also based on this famous and popular chapter also having an official game originally developed by Hub Network (now Discovery Family) called Power Ponies Go! where the main mission of the heroes and girls is to rescue Spike Pinkie Pie who has been kidnapped counting 5 fabulous levels, if you want to know can play right from HERE.